CivicActions Bio Instructions

Now that you're part of the team, we want to add your photo and bio to our team page!


  1. Manager will introduce you to Copy Writer/Editor
  2. Review this template
  3. Make a COPY of the template
  4. Make doc accessible for all folks in the organization to see or share it directly with appropriate folks (Alaine, Aaron, Judy, Elizabeth, any editors)
  5. Create your bio based on the template. You have an option to answer some questions and collaborate with the Copy Writer / Editor, or to craft the bio yourself.
  6. Add your bio to this folder with the title "Your Full Name - Bio"
  7. Add your photo to the folder with the title "Your Full Name - Photo"
  8. When you're done, direct message your onboarding manager in Slack.
  9. Aaron and the onboarding manager will proof
  10. Onboarding manager will request updates or add it to the homesite.