Supporting RMF Controls with Drupal Tools & Practices

RMF Control Title Drupal Tool / Practices Notes
AC-2 Account Management User module core
AC-2(5) Inactivity Logout autologout contrib
AC-6 Least Privilege Roles and perms core
AC-6(9) Audit Use of Privileged Functions SELinux auditd Red Hat SELinux
IA-5 Authenticator Management password_policy contrib
AU-2 List the Auditable Events logging_alerts contrib
AU-6 Audit Review, Analysis, And Reporting Syslog / ELK DevOps
SA-3 System Development Lifecycle Agile Methodology Agile Government Leadership
SA-5 Use of Live Data Drush sqlsanitize, Devel Generate (or Faker) drush contrib
SA-10 Developer Configuration Management Code Reviews Automated Testing Team structure, DevOps
SA-15 Development Process E.g. GitFlow Jenkins, DevOps...
CM-3 Configuration Change Control Drupal 7 Features, Drupal 8 CMI contrib, core
PS-1 Personnel Security Policy CivicActions/security-policy Write one!
RA-5 Vulnerability Scanning Security Review, Paranoia, OpenSCAP/GovReady contrib, contrib, GitHub
SC-7 Deny by Default / Allow by Exception CDN, VPC, iptables, Bastion SSH Sysadmin
SC-13 Cryptographic Protection Encrypt, Field Encrypt, File Encrypt contrib
SC-18 Prevent Downloading Execution SecKit Private file system contrib, core